John Lennon, Kurt Cobain and Tupac Prove That Musician’s Heaven is Awesome

Rob Slater on March 25, 2014

Dutch beer company Bavaria Radler has won the commercial game. Just shut it down now. It’s over.

Dangerous Minds uncovered this gem today (watch it before it gets pulled, trust me) that will surely make the rounds throughout the day. Turns out, Celebrity Heaven is a remote island somewhere in the middle of the ocean, and Kurt Cobain, John Lennon (who, fittingly, looks like Jesus), Elvis, Tupac, Marilyn Monroe and Bruce Lee are hanging out there for the rest of eternity.

There are several takeaways from this. First of all, Tommy Lee Jones was right–Elvis isn’t dead, he just went home. Second, Tupac apparently doesn’t age, ever, and Elvis is still a master around the ladies. Watch below, now.