Eddie Vedder Gives Emotional Interview Following Cubs Win, Performs for Team

Rob Slater on October 14, 2015

The Cubs did something they’ve never done before in the history of their team. No, they didn’t win the World Series (yet), but they did clinch their very first playoff series at Wrigley Field. While the champagne has never had the honor of wetting the grass at the Friendly Confines until last night’s win against St. Louis, the faithful around Chicago took full advantage, triggering a celebration that is probably still going strong. 

In the middle of all of it last night was, of course, Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder. While we dubbed him the team’s great playoff hope, he (along with millions others) has waited years, decades for his moment. And he savored it with an emotional interview for a Chicago news station. “I’m thinking about the people that aren’t around anymore that never got to experience this,” he said. When the conversation shifted to Ernie Banks, he said, “You know he’s here,” after a glance to the sky. “I know my uncle is here, I know my brother’s here. I know a lot of people, but we gotta keep it going.” 

Watch below.

Vedder then apparently jumped into the fray to perform a song, of course his tune “All the Way” that he wrote about the Cubs’ World Series chances. Here, in a video filmed by Cubs all-everything player Kris Bryant, Vedder jams with the team.