Dave Matthews Took a Selfie with All of Montreal Last Night

Rob Slater on July 23, 2015

Canada uses the metric system, they’re crazy about hockey and probably put ketchup on their hot dogs. Basically, they do a lot of life wrong. But last night, something beautiful happened as Dave Matthews obliged to a young fan in the front row with a request for a selfie with the frontman. Thankfully, Dave knows how to operate an iPhone (or whatever the Canadian version of the iPhone is) and captured a couple videos posing with the crowd. 

Per the YouTube description by user Patrick O’Donnell, “My sister and I were in the Pit at the DMB show last night… she had a selfie sign and he took her phone and took this video! She is on the rail (short girl throwing up peace sign) and I’m behind her.” Props to the girl throwing up the peace sign. Peace, y’all. 

First Selfie

Second Selfie